
Deadline for Reflective Practice Facilitation Extended

Fueled by the continued need for competence within the 0-5 workforce as well ongoing national and local policies demanding a high quality 0-5 workforce, the Ca Center has agreed to extend the current deadline on Reflective Practice Facilitation hours being provided by an endorsed professional to January 1, 2017. Read more details….

California Training Guidelines and Personnel Competencies for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health, Revised

This manual identifies the skills, knowledge and experience one must have to provide effective infant-family and early childhood mental health services.

Endorsement Categories

Train to become an infant-family and early childhood professional in one of five areas and learn the differences in skills, knowledge and experience required for each.

Endorsement Process

Endorsement Process for Certification in the Infant-Family and Early Mental Health Field. A step-by-step outline guides you through the process to apply for endorsement in one of the categories of professionals to provide infant-family and early childhood mental health services.


For more information on Endorsees in your area, click here.

Upcoming Events

Get involved and check out some of the upcoming trainings and events.