California Compendium of Training Guidelines, Personnel Competencies, and Professional Endorsement Criteria for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health

The California Compendium of Training Guidelines, Personnel Competencies, and Professional Endorsement Criteria for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health (2016) provides a framework that outlines a coherent foundation of the knowledge and skills necessary to work with very young children and their families with a focus on early relationships and early mental health.
The Compendium includes:

  1. An introduction to infant-family and early childhood mental health
  2. Specifics about training and endorsement
  3. An explanation of the endorsement application process
  4. Requirements for endorsement for the Transdisciplinary Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health Practitioner and Advanced Transdisciplinary Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health Practitioner
  5. Requirements for endorsement for the Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist
  6. Requirements for endorsement for the Reflective Practice Facilitator I and II and Reflective Practice Mentor
  7. A summary of all endorsement categories and related knowledge, training and direct service requirements, as well as requirements for reflective practice facilitation