Welcome to California Center for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health…

Welcome to California Center for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health…

…your virtual forum for best practice, evidence-based information and resources that support the healthy social and emotional development of children under the age of 5 and professional development of practitioners in the field of infant-family and early childhood mental health. Here you’ll find

  • News
  • Research
  • Trainings and Events
  • Technical Assistance and Consultation Services
  • The California California Compendium of Training Guidelines, Personnel Competencies, and Professional Endorsement Criteria for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health (updated Fall 2016)—a manual that outlines the knowledge and skills necessary to work with very young children and their families with a focus on early relationships and early mental health
  • The endorsement certification process designed to help ensure that individuals working with young children and their families are properly trained.

The California Center is a collaborative effort of public and private stakeholders and leaders in the field of early childhood mental health, developed to help policymakers, funders and organizations to design and implement transdisciplinary systems of care that promote quality infant-family and early childhood mental health services statewide. It is supported by the WestEd Center for Prevention & Early Intervention.

Explore and share the site! Visit often to learn what’s new and what’s happening and to meet new colleagues and connect with old ones.